Wednesday, February 12, 2025

On Press!

32 illustrated pages to read about significant Saint Paul parks, and color!

Sunday, April 21, 2024


 Hot off the press! 28 pages comprises 20 illustrations, forward, introduction, map, historical texts and source information. Learn the who, what, when, where and why of RONDO. Color your way through a remarkable neighborhood.

Available NOW at Minnesota History Society Gift Shop, Wet Paint Art Materials, Red Balloon Bookshop, Waldmann Brewery, Next Chapter Books and Subtext Books!

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Work Samples


Cafesjian's Carousel

The fourth in my Como Park series. The Cafesjian's Carousel has a colorful, tenacious history. Built in 1914 by Philadelphia Toboggan Company, the carousel is 50 feet across at the platform and 54 feet at the upper rim. It weighs 30 tons, all of which is supported by the center pole. For a ticket you can experience a glorious ride on a one of 68 hand-carved horses or settle in on one of 2 stunning chariots.

The carousel is named for Gerard L. Cafesjian, the man who contributed the major share of the money needed to rescue it from auction, restore it and build its new pavilion at Como Park.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Mesa Verde

This watercolor brings me back to the moment I sat among the cliff dwellings on hot summer days and quietly, with respect, sketched and painted the remarkable homes of the ancient ancestors of the Pueblo peoples of Colorado. The Spruce Tree House (above) was constructed between 1211-1278 CE.